Sex gets better as we understand it. Men attain the sexual satisfaction bit easily in comparison to women. So to satisfy a woman sexually, men need to understand sex. Men need to focus of her satisfaction rather than being only self-oriented. You need to known her likes and dislikes in order to give her a pleasure. It is very sad to know that during the sex survey, women told that 70% of times they remain unsatisfied during the sexual activity. Women themselves are somewhat responsible for this, but we male up to some extent have allowed this to happen. Men are very much goal oriented during the sex. They only want to insert their manhood there and finish it fast, whereas women love to enjoy the every movement. So, men should rather go slowly with the things in order to give her a pleasure.
Women are rather more emotional than physical during the sexual activity. Men need to stimulate their mind in order to get them completely involved in the sex. Women are not that much sex oriented as men, but they are slow chargers and last longer. Women require about 12 to 15 minutes achieving the orgasm, whereas men attain the orgasm in just 2 to 3 minutes. This difference is mainly responsible for the women discontentment as men end up too early than before they are ready for the sexual ecstasy. Men should understand this that they need to last longer during the sexual activity in order to give satisfaction to their ladylove. For this men need to bring the foreplay into the act. Yes, foreplay can help the men to last longer. You need to stimulate her first, once she is properly aroused then go for the penetrative sex.
Sex is the activity of the passion and should not be done just mechanically in which most of the men do it. They just want to put it inside and release there sperms to produce the offspring. This is not the sex. Sex is the pleasurable activity; it is to give and take pleasure. Sex becomes parasitic if done in this manner. Try to make sexual activity symbiotic that is beneficial for both. Men need to put some effort in sex, rather than just focusing on the intimate parts. Women believe that sex is not the penetrative activity; they want men to give pleasure to their each and every body part. Women love to get the sensitive touch over their breasts and buttocks. They simply can’t resist the arousal felt by this.
Women can enjoy sex only when they are comfortable with the particular partner and they love him from the heart. So, try to show your love to her. Make her believe that she is the only one who you love more than anything else. Show her that you need her and she is the only one who can satisfy all your sexual needs. The best thing is to compliment her on her body, and make her comfortable in her birth suit. As women are very conscious about their body image this will help her to get into the mood for sex. It is man’s responsibility to make her involved in the sex, for this you need to talk to communicate with her and share your sex fantasies. She should know that you rely on her and you feel great with her.
Remember that women are very much sensitive and delicate human beings, even your small mistake can make be annoyed and they may give away sex with you. Please pay a special attention towards what she doesn’t like. If she doesn’t want to take your manhood in mouth then please don’t force her to do this. Also, never directly go for the anal sex without her permission. She will feel like the sex object and would stop the sexual activity with you completely. So, try to make these amendments before getting involved in sex with your ladylove. But, one thing I would like to add here is that men are not sex guru’s so women should make them aware about their pleasure zones by giving them the signals that they like the particular act. This will help men to know about women sexuality and your overall sexual experience will be satisfactory for both the partners.
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