Excessive fats in the human body are the reason for the various abnormal health conditions. Excessive fats in the human body majority of the times lead to the obesity. The content of fat in the body is increased by consuming the unbalanced diet. Lack of exercise and also leads to the increased fat content in the body. Sometimes, even the stress, tensions, and depression lead to the abundant increase in the fats in the body. Even the intake of some medicines may also induce the fat content in the body. Continuously sitting ideal for long time also results in the excessive fats storage in the body that further results in harming the health of an individual. Smoking and excessive intake of alcohol are responsible for excessive fats in the body.
Fats are the source of the energy required in the body to perform various functions in body. Fat are the organic compounds made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Fats are basically the lipids that are very essential components of the body. But, anything in excess in bad and same is the case with the body fats. When the concentration of the body fats is increased above the normal level they cause various harms to the human body. So, it is very necessary to maintain the fats concentration in the body. According to the new study published by the Indian Institute of the Sex, the sex is the best medicine to lose the excessive bulge of fats in the human body. These scientists have claimed sex as a form of exercise that could burn out the excessive fats in humans.
In the study the men and women who had excessive fats in their body were taken as the subjects. The weight and fat content in the body of every subject was noted. Then each and every subject was asked to perform the sexual activity at least thrice in a week or those who were not married were asked to masturbate for about 5 minutes daily. This schedule was continued for about 2 months. After 2 months the weight and fat content of these subjects was checked. It was observed that 84% of the subjects noted decrease in fat content and there weight was observed to be decreased by the about 10 pounds. It was also noted during the study that they also got relief from many other abnormal conditions due to the frequent habitual sex or masturbation routine. So, it was quite clear from the study that sex reduces the excessive body fats.
Sex is termed as the overall body exercise. During the sexual activity, thighs, buttocks, belly, arms, neck, pelvic muscles, and chest are worked out together. So, the lot of energy is utilized which results in the combustion of fats. Sex performed for about 15 minutes burns out the 1000 calories, which ultimately results in the burning of the unessential body fats. Additionally sex also reduces the frequency of the heart attacks and strokes, which are caused by the excessive deposition of fats in the arteries. Women receive the extra benefits of the performing sex regularly because it keeps them away from the depression and maintains the regular menstruation cycle.
The fats are found to be mainly deposited on chest, stomach, and around the waist. Sex firstly burns out the fats on the stomach, then on the waist, and finally the fats on the chest. Sex is the best way to keep your body in good shape. Sex helps the digestion process and don’t allow the excessive fats to deposit in the body. In some another survey it was observed that couples who perform sex regularly are the healthiest and happier with each other than other couples who practice sex infrequently. Even the memory of the people who indulge in sex often is found to better than the individuals who perform sex very rarely. So, one article is not enough to explain the importance of sex in human life. Hence, I finally conclude that you can surely reduce the excessive fats in your body by indulging in sex regularly.